Resource centre
Utility-scale request for proposals

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) is calling for developers of utility-scale renewable energy projects in countries in Africa to submit applications for funding for their projects.
By targeting utility-scale projects, REPP is aiming to support countries in Africa’s acceleration toward decarbonisation and the rapidly expanding renewable energy sector.
Specific attention will be given to African developers.
Successful applicants must meet and adhere to the eligibility criteria listed in the request for proposals.
Download request for proposals
All applications must be submitted through an online application form found at
A business plan or information memorandum and a financial model should be uploaded as part of the application.
All proposals must be received by 4pm (UCT) on 26 October 2020 to qualify for priority assessment by the REPP project team and IC.
Any proposal that meets the eligibility criteria above that is received after that date will still, of course, be keenly welcomed.
If you have any queries, email