ATIDI is a pan-African institution that provides political risk insurance to companies, investors and lenders interested in doing business in Africa. With both a commercial and developmental mandate, ATIDI aims to improve Africa’s risk perception and attract affordable investments in support of sovereign governments and the private sector.
The Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpement (West African Development Bank) is a regional financial institution with a mandate to promote development in West Africa and foster economic integration within the sub-region.

CrossBoundary Access’s mission is to build a distributed utility for rural electrification in Africa. Working alongside its partners, CrossBoundary Access finances, owns and operates mini-grids and adjacent technologies that connect rural households, community institutions and businesses to high-quality, renewable power.

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is America’s development bank, and was formerly known as Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). DFC partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today.
EDFI Management Company is an asset management company established in 2016 on behalf of the members of the Association of Bilateral European Development Finance Institutions. ElectriFI provides risk capital and advisory services to electrification investments that will lead to new and improved connections.

Empower New Energy is an impact fund manager investing in small and medium-scale solar PV and hydro projects that improve local energy access and reduce costs for users. Its investment fund, Empower Invest, is Europe's first Africa-focused renewable impact investment platform.
Finnfund is a Finnish development finance company with the mission of creating a better world by financing responsible companies in developing countries. Finnfund offers long-term risk financing and focuses on sectors promoting sustainable development.
FMO is the Dutch Development Bank. It invests in over 85 countries, supporting jobs and income generation in order to improve peoples’ lives in parts of the world where it can make the most difference.
GCPF is an investment fund that focuses on financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for SMEs and private households in developing countries, primarily through local financial institutions.

GuarantCo enables infrastructure development in lower income countries through the provision of long-term local currency credit solutions.
Inspired Evolution is a specialised investment manager focused on solving the funding gap to accelerate affordable, low-carbon, clean and sustainable energy generation for greater energy security and access for African businesses, industry and its people.

Metier is an independent private equity fund management business with a proven track record in Africa spanning four decades. Metier's Sustainable Capital Practice has garnered significant traction since its inception in 2010. The practice targets investment in energy efficiency, renewables, water and waste management businesses and projects supporting Africa's development objectives and environmental commitments.
Oikocredit is a worldwide cooperative and social investor, providing funding to the microfinance sector, fair trade organisations, cooperatives and SMEs.

PA|RC (Powering Africa | Recharging Conservation) is a community-conservation focused renewable energy developer and investor. The organisation combines equity investments into small scale renewable energy IPP projects with energy access development in East Africa. PA|RC revenues in turn target community development and environmental conservation projects to maximise the social impact of its investments in targeted regions.

SunFunder is a private debt management company that finances renewable energy projects in Africa and Asia. The company was acquired by Mirova in June 2022.
Trade & Development Bank (TDB) is an African regional development financial institution established in 1985. Its mandate is to finance and foster trade, socio-economic development, and regional economic integration through trade finance, project and infrastructure finance, funds management and business advisory services.