Centro de Recursos
Innovation request for proposals

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) is calling for innovative companies and entrepreneurs working in Sub-Saharan Africa’s renewable energy space to submit applications for funding for their projects.
By focusing on clean energy pioneers, REPP is aiming to support the deployment of innovative business models or first-time applications of existing renewable energy technologies across the region.
Os candidatos aprovados devem atender e cumprir os critérios de qualificação listados no convite à apresentação de propostas.
REPP has also produced this set of clarifications in relation to the request for proposals following enquiries from applicants.
Todas as inscrições devem ser enviadas por meio de um formulário de inscrição on-line encontrado em https://repp.energy/support/application-form.
A business plan or information memorandum and a financial model should be uploaded as part of the application.
All proposals must be received by 4pm (UCT) on 29 October 2021 to qualify for priority assessment by the REPP project team and IC.
Any proposal that meets the eligibility criteria above that is received after that date will still, of course, be keenly welcomed.
Qualquer dúvida, envie um e-mail para rfp@camco.energy.