REPP launches new quarterly impact report

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) today released its first quarterly impact report providing a quantitative and qualitative overview of how REPP-supported projects are performing over time.
The aim of the reports is to offer people a better understanding of the tangible impacts the projects are having in terms of abating greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy access and a number of other key performance indicators that are in line with the REPP mandate.
The report includes a snapshot overview of REPP’s project portfolio’s realised impact to date, and regular readers will be able to monitor how individual projects are delivering against the KPIs as they develop and grow.
The quarterly updates also include short summaries of key developments over the period, showcase individual projects in a dedicated In The Spotlight section and look ahead to what the next three months and beyond will bring .
Geoff Sinclair, Managing Director of REPP’s investment manager, Camco Clean Energy, said: “REPP’s aim is to contribute towards sustainable development goals 7 – access to clean energy for all – and 13 – combating climate change and bringing positive impact on people and the planet, and we want to show people how that is happening in real terms.
“We hope the reports will enable people to engage with REPP’s projects at a more meaningful level and build their support for the wonderful things REPP is trying to achieve.”
- Download the first Quarterly Impact Report ici.