Centro de Recursos

Este centro tem como objetivo fornecer informações úteis e relevantes a qualquer pessoa que trabalhe para apoiar o crescimento da indústria de energia renovável da África Subsariana. Nele pode encontrar notícias e publicações da REPP, além de hiperligações para um conjunto de conteúdos externos e outros recursos cuidadosamente selecionados.

Company update - 28/05/20

Project developers given first sight of new gender mainstreaming toolkit during REPP-hosted webinar

The free-to-use resource offers a practical guide to help renewable energy developers integrate a gender equality perspective into their projects.

Company update - 22/05/20

Rwandan mini-grids project secures extra financing

REPP increases investment in ambitious scheme to build over 120 solar mini-grids in rural Rwanda.

Company update - 13/05/20

REPP supports geothermal project in Zambia

A US$3.2m loan from REPP is to finance up to three new exploratory wells in an ambitious project to build the country’s first commercial geothermal power plant.

Company update - 11/05/20

Back-to-basics webinar on shareholders agreements attracts more than 100 participants

The live capacity-building event, “Why fit-for-purpose shareholders agreements are critical to your project’s bankability”, aimed to shed light on the complexities of shareholders agreements and was targeted at renewable energy project developers.