Centro de Recursos

Este centro tem como objetivo fornecer informações úteis e relevantes a qualquer pessoa que trabalhe para apoiar o crescimento da indústria de energia renovável da África Subsariana. Nele pode encontrar notícias e publicações da REPP, além de hiperligações para um conjunto de conteúdos externos e outros recursos cuidadosamente selecionados.

Company update - 04/11/19

REPP shows continued support for PowerGen with US$2m investment

REPP commits US$2m in equity financing to support African micro-utility’s plans to connect one million more people to reliable electricity by 2024.

Press release - 04/11/19

New renewable energy academy for developers to help accelerate growth of off-grid sector in Africa

REPP-hosted event will bring together key industry stakeholders to provide applied learning and support to help prepare developers for their next stages of growth.

Company update - 15/10/19

Webinar addresses gender inequality in stakeholder consultations

Read event organiser Laura Lahti’s summary of REPP’s recent webinar looking at how to ensure women have a full and active role in renewable energy project stakeholder consultations.

Access to energy is development key

EIB Blog, 05/09/19

EIB blog article charts the foundation of REPP, with a focus on the programme’s progress in the off-grid solar sector to date.