Centro de Recursos
Latest REPP annual report published

REPP is pleased to announce the digital publication of our latest annual report today.
Since 2016, REPP has been providing technical and financial support to private sector developers of small-scale renewable energy projects across Sub-Saharan Africa. The report, REPP Report and Financial Statements 2021-2022, looks at how these projects have been faring in the year to 31 March 2022 and provides a comprehensive overview of how the platform has performed as a whole since the outset.
Highlights include:
- 1,083,217 people connected to clean energy for the first time
- 24.7MW installed renewable energy capacity, with 358MW under development
- 58,870 tCO2e avoided, with over 21 million tCO2e expected to be avoided over the projects’ lifetime
- GBP 43.3 million committed by REPP and GBP 306 million moblised from third parties
- 8,773 new jobs created, of which 1,784 were held by women
In addition to the quantitative reporting, the report also showcases some of the on- and off-grid projects delivering transformational impacts across Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as personal impact stories of people directly affected by REPP-supported activities. And for the first time this year we have included a section on REPP’s theory of change, looking at how REPP is creating the commercial interest necessary to take renewable energy technologies to scale and leading to a shift towards low-emission, sustainable and climate-resilient development pathways in Africa.
“From the outset, REPP has been investing in the pioneering approaches needed to speed up Africa’s clean energy transition and in doing so we have had to be innovative and take a hard look at the risks,” said Benjamin Hugues, Investment Director and REPP Lead at REPP’s investment manager, Camco.
“So it is with great pleasure that we can release REPP’s latest annual report today which shows how many of these calculated decisions are starting to pay off and how REPP-supported projects are helping the region’s small-scale renewable energy sector to flourish.”
Download the report Caroline Frontigny..