Centro de Recursos
Anúncios recentes
REPP issues gender-themed request for proposals
Call for funding applications to support women-owned and/or managed renewable energy projects in Africa is aiming to help create equal opportunities for women in the continent’s rapidly expanding renewable energy sector.
REPP shows continued support for PowerGen with US$2m investment
REPP commits US$2m in equity financing to support African micro-utility’s plans to connect one million more people to reliable electricity by 2024.
New renewable energy academy for developers to help accelerate growth of off-grid sector in Africa
REPP-hosted event will bring together key industry stakeholders to provide applied learning and support to help prepare developers for their next stages of growth.
Webinar addresses gender inequality in stakeholder consultations
Read event organiser Laura Lahti’s summary of REPP’s recent webinar looking at how to ensure women have a full and active role in renewable energy project stakeholder consultations.
First-of-kind financing to give major boost to Tanzania’s mini-grid sector
More than 34,000 people are set to gain first-time access to clean, grid-quality energy after a landmark deal was agreed to provide long-term finance for solar PV mini-grids in Tanzania.
Leading investors “strongly encourage” donors to provide more effective support for mini-grids in Africa
Diverse group of investors with over $2.0 billion under management say well-designed Results-Based Financing (RBF) for mini-grids will accelerate access to electricity for 600 million people in Africa, and unlock significant private capital.
Pilot project to build mini-grids in Rwanda under way after receiving financial backing from UK-government funded REPP
Initial phase of work expected to pave way for up to 220 mini-grids in the East African country, reaching up to 150,000 people currently living without any access to clean energy.
More than 150,000 Nigerians set to benefit from REPP-enabled US$10m syndicated loan facility
UK-government funded REPP and EC-sponsored ElectriFI have provided US$2.2m and US$3m initial loans respectively to catalyse rollout of clean energy access to some of the country’s remotest communities.
REPP invests US$1.1m in market-leading PAYG solar company in West Africa
O serviço inovador que fornece crédito às comunidades rurais para a compra de sistemas solares visa duplicar o seu alcance depois de obter financiamento adicional de 25 milhões de dólares.