
Sur cette plateforme vous trouverez tous les renseignements utiles et pertinents au secteur des énergies renouvelables en Afrique subsaharienne. Naviguez- la plateforme pour découvrir les dernières infos et publications de REPP, une liste de liens utiles et autres informations pertinentes.

Company update - 17/07/19

First-of-kind financing to give major boost to Tanzania’s mini-grid sector

More than 34,000 people are set to gain first-time access to clean, grid-quality energy after a landmark deal was agreed to provide long-term finance for solar PV mini-grids in Tanzania.

Press release - 10/06/19

Leading investors “strongly encourage” donors to provide more effective support for mini-grids in Africa

Diverse group of investors with over $2.0 billion under management say well-designed Results-Based Financing (RBF) for mini-grids will accelerate access to electricity for 600 million people in Africa, and unlock significant private capital.

Press release - 15/05/19

Pilot project to build mini-grids in Rwanda under way after receiving financial backing from UK-government funded REPP

Initial phase of work expected to pave way for up to 220 mini-grids in the East African country, reaching up to 150,000 people currently living without any access to clean energy.