REPP launches ESMS toolkit for developers

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) has launched a new toolkit to help renewable energy developers establish and implement a viable environmental and social management system (ESMS).
To help ensure that the environmental and social performance of all REPP-supported projects is sustainable, REPP requires all developers to establish and maintain an ESMS for their project(s). This includes the identification and assessment of its environmental and social risks and impacts, and the development of a set of appropriate responses and procedures for dealing with those risks and impacts.
The toolkit was developed by REPP’s investment manager, Camco Clean Energy, specifically to help REPP-supported developers meet REPP’s requirements. It is, however, freely available to anyone looking for support creating an ESMS via the REPP website ici.
The toolkit has been created in such a way as to provide the structure and required sections for an ESMS in accordance with IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability and, where relevant, the EIB Environmental and Social Standards. An accompanying workbook makes it easy for users to fill in responses to each section as they work through the toolkit, ending up with a fully completed ESMS.
Geoff Sinclair, Managing Director of Camco Clean Energy, said: ”Most renewable energy projects aim to have a positive impact on people and the planet, but just like any infrastructure project, they run the risk of causing harm. As such, developers must have a watertight management system for identifying the types of negative impact they might cause and mitigating those impacts.
“We hope this toolkit will become a valuable resource for not just REPP-supported developers, but any developer looking to put in place a comprehensive ESMS.”
The toolkit was unveiled this week during the annual REPP Academy.