Latest REPP annual report published

The transformational climate and sustainable development impacts that REPP-supported projects are having on the ground in Sub-Saharan Africa are detailed in its latest annual report, released today.
The report, REPP Report and Financial Statements 2020-2021, covers the period to 31 March 2021 and is published days after REPP was publicly recognised for its impact investing achievements at the prestigious Financial Times and IFC Transformational Business Awards.
The report provides illustrated breakdowns of REPP’s performance against key indicators, as well as project-by-project summaries and a qualitative assessment of REPP’s overall impact linked to the sustainable development goals and its alignment with national development priorities.
New to the report this year is a section on REPP’s transformational impacts, looking at how the UK government-funded facility is working to create a self-sustaining market for investment in small-scale renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as a focus on the productive use of energy.
Geoff Sinclair, Managing Director of REPP’s investment manager, Camco Clean Energy, said: “The publication of REPP’s latest annual report on the eve of COP26 sends out a strong signal of the important role the private sector has to play – and is playing – is building Sub-Saharan Africa’s renewable energy sector and delivering real impact where it is needed most.”
Download the annual report ici. For latest performance figures, please refer to REPP’s quarterly impact reports ici.